Which are the Bachelor's courses available for students?

Mechanical Engineering

The B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering provides a general engineering education in the design and build of equipment and machinery. Specialist and cross-system lectures are designed to equip students with system skills and interdisciplinary problem-solving skills. Thanks to its international perspective, the course prepares students for work in a globalised marketplace while at the same time making it easier to study for international students. Graduates will be especially suited for careers in:

  • International mechanical and facilities engineering
  • Thermal, mechanical and chemical process engineering
  • Automotive design and its supply chain
  • Environmental protection technology
  • Engineering companies and consultancies

Computer / IT /Software Engineering

This programme, students are taught the technological basics and in-depth knowledge in the conception and the development of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, and optionally of motorcycles and off-highway vehicles. This comprises technical vehicle design with regard to market, legislative and manufacturing requirements. Course modules cover all of the vehicle’s main domains such as chassis, body, drivetrain, safety, driver assistance systems and others. Graduates will be proficient in relevant technological areas like vehicle dynamics, energy efficiency, acoustics, mechatronics, structural fatigue and durability.
The programme provides in-depth knowledge of industrial design approaches and research topics with regard to real-world vehicle requirements, market developments and legislative constraints.

Automobile Engineering

This programme, students are taught the technological basics and in-depth knowledge in the conception and the development of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, and optionally of motorcycles and off-highway vehicles. This comprises technical vehicle design with regard to market, legislative and manufacturing requirements. Course modules cover all of the vehicle’s main domains such as chassis, body, drivetrain, safety, driver assistance systems and others. Graduates will be proficient in relevant technological areas like vehicle dynamics, energy efficiency, acoustics, mechatronics, structural fatigue and durability.
The programme provides in-depth knowledge of industrial design approaches and research topics with regard to real-world vehicle requirements, market developments and legislative constraints.

Cyber Security

Not only the media have discovered the topic of IT security due to many current incidents. Due to its great importance and its growing importance in our communication society, IT security is at the center of all modern IT concepts. In this course, the important core topics of computer science are taught as well as the exciting and demanding concepts, methods and tools of IT security.

Automotive, energy supply, financial services, healthcare, logistics or administration – no matter which industry you are looking at, there is none that works today without computer systems or computer-aided business processes. At the same time, new developments – such as B. Digitization, Augmented Reality, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Wearable and Industry 4.0 – to change entire industries forever. IT security is always included, because the future belongs to it.

Electrical Engineering

Two of the most important areas of today’s economy. Engineers trained in Germany are seen as experts in these technologies and are in high demand worldwide. The aim of this Bachelor’s course is to prepare students for professional roles previously taken by graduates of diploma courses in these subjects. The level of education and mandated study hours of the Bachelor’s course mean that graduates can take on roles typically found in non-technical areas. These include roles with manufacturing firms relating to the servicing, testing, manufacture, sales, project planning, consultancy and marketing of electrical engineering components, equipment and systems. Other roles may involve the specification, procurement, testing and integration, as well as operation and maintenance, of components, equipment and systems with client firms and service providers.

The wide range of employment areas requires an equally broad-based education in

  • The mathematical and natural science principles necessary for technology-based subjects
  • Engineering principles of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science, as well as in-depth training in the core areas of electrical engineering:
    • Electrical power engineering
    • Communications technology
    • Electronics

Energy Business & Management

Are you interested in energy? Are you interested in new approaches in energy supply and sustainable solutions? Would you like to actively help shape the energy transition? In the bachelor’s degree in Energy Economics and Management, you acquire all the skills you need to make important decisions in the energy sector. Studying the energy industry also means developing solutions for one of the greatest challenges of our time. As part of your practice-oriented degree, you will learn not only sound business basics, but also specialist knowledge in the exciting and future-oriented subject of energy management. At the same time, you will be familiarized with the most modern technologies in the field of energy generation and supply.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineers work at the interfaces between business, technology and information technology. Their high flexibility,broad knowledge and universal applicability in companies are the reason for a success story that has been going on for decades.

Become part of this success story and work on the development, production and improvement of high-quality products and services at competitive prices, optimize production processes, manage national and international projects and sell products worldwide.

Business Administration

Are you interested in business and do you like to think in an interdisciplinary manner? Do you enjoy analyzing processes and finding logical connections? Do you find the challenges of digitization exciting and think globally? In the bachelor’s degree in business administration you will learn a broad range of business administration knowledge. In addition, knowledge in the areas of IT, law, economics and methodological skills are imparted. Individual and future-oriented specializations such as digital-business, international business or marketing make you fit for your career in the professional world of the future.

Digitization presents the entire economy with new, unprecedented challenges. Traditional companies and even entire industries are forced out of the market overnight and are increasingly being replaced by young companies with innovative business models.

Business Administration

Are you interested in business and do you like to think in an interdisciplinary manner? Do you enjoy analyzing processes and finding logical connections? Do you find the challenges of digitization exciting and think globally? In the bachelor’s degree in business administration you will learn a broad range of business administration knowledge. In addition, knowledge in the areas of IT, law, economics and methodological skills are imparted. Individual and future-oriented specializations such as digital-business, international business or marketing make you fit for your career in the professional world of the future.

Digitization presents the entire economy with new, unprecedented challenges. Traditional companies and even entire industries are forced out of the market overnight and are increasingly being replaced by young companies with innovative business models.

Material & Processing Engineering

Have you always wanted to know what is behind products? Are you open to new ideas and like to get to the bottom of things? In the materials and process engineering course (WPT) you learn how to develop innovative materials, technologies and processes and, as a graduate of a popular engineering course, apply your knowledge in a wide variety of industries. The world is yours! In the Materials and Process Engineering course, you will be involved in lectures, internships and projects with modern materials and manufacturing processes that form the basis for the development and manufacture of innovative components and products: Lighter aircraft that use less fuel, electric vehicles without exhaust emissions, bio-compatible implants that improve quality of life and much more.

International Business Law

The Bachelors of Laws (LLM) is a Bachelors’s degree designed to enhance your academic legal knowledge, particularly focusing on specific areas of interest. Specially designed for law and non-law graduates who want to gain a Master’s qualification in law, this course focuses on developing an in-depth knowledge of International Business Law. We have developed this course to put legal business practices into the context of the global marketplace, giving you the knowledge and skills to work effectively within international corporations.

International Business Law

The Bachelors of Laws (LLM) is a Bachelors’s degree designed to enhance your academic legal knowledge, particularly focusing on specific areas of interest. Specially designed for law and non-law graduates who want to gain a Master’s qualification in law, this course focuses on developing an in-depth knowledge of International Business Law. We have developed this course to put legal business practices into the context of the global marketplace, giving you the knowledge and skills to work effectively within international corporations.

Global Media Communication

Today’s media landscape is characterized by the unprecedented transformation in all world regions. Traditional media forms are becoming deeply challenged by new digital platforms. Media industries and public sector communications in today’s digital age are operating in an increasingly complex globalized context. Professionals equipped with new skill sets are needed to lead and manage these crucial transformations.

This dynamic Bachelor’s course provides you with key insights into the changing transnational contexts of media structures and communication practices and trains you in critical analysis, strategic thinking, and audience research skills. You also receive hands‐on training in media writing skills and audio‐visual production.


Psychology studies the human mind and behavior and seeks to understand and explain thought and emotion. Most psychology programs taught at UK universities provide students with a broad background in practical applications, experimental methodology, information technology, and theory construction. 

There are two different types of undergraduate degrees in Psychology; the Bachelor of Arts which focuses on liberal arts and education, and the Bachelor of Science which looks at science and mathematics.

Psychology courses in the UK cover different branches of psychology such as criminal, educational, applied, law, management and forensic while psychology modules include research, statistical methods and brain behaviour in addition to other specializations.


Psychology studies the human mind and behavior and seeks to understand and explain thought and emotion. Most psychology programs taught at UK universities provide students with a broad background in practical applications, experimental methodology, information technology, and theory construction. 

There are two different types of undergraduate degrees in Psychology; the Bachelor of Arts which focuses on liberal arts and education, and the Bachelor of Science which looks at science and mathematics.

Psychology courses in the UK cover different branches of psychology such as criminal, educational, applied, law, management, and forensic while psychology modules include research, statistical methods, and brain-behavior in addition to other specializations.

Hospitality and tourism management

Hospitality and tourism management is a vast industry with many different career paths. Students seeking a degree in hospitality and tourism management at College of Business are prepared to enter nearly any segment of the industry, such as lodging, hotels, restaurants, casino, cruise line operations, resorts and spas, event management, or airline catering. Students are provided the knowledge and competencies needed to successfully manage a restaurant, hotel, or independently-owned hospitality or tourism business.

Food Security

Through this program, you will explore issues such as:

  • social demographics
  • diet and nutrition
  • the transformation of the food system
  • trade
  • technology and innovation
  • conservation
  • climate change

You will also learn about the role of genetics to address sustainable food production, the importance of orphan crops, and the increasing pressures on resources such as water and soil, among other topics.

You will explore how food security has become a critically important issue for societies around the globe as it concerns not only food production systems and supply chains, but also development issues such as land tenure, inequality, and the exchange value of commodities.

Food Security

Through this program,

you will explore issues such as:

  • social demographics
  • diet and nutrition
  • the transformation of the food system
  • trade
  • technology and innovation
  • conservation
  • climate change

You will also learn about the role of genetics to address sustainable food production, the importance of orphan crops, and the increasing pressures on resources such as water and soil, among other topics.

You will explore how food security has become a critically important issue for societies around the globe as it concerns not only food production systems and supply chains, but also development issues such as land tenure, inequality, and the exchange value of commodities.

Additive Manufacturing

Additive Manufacturing, or 3D printing, is an exciting new field using diverse technologies for equally diverse applications. It’s now possible to print everything from aerospace parts to biological tissue and even houses. The MSc in Additive Manufacturing gives you the skills to use these new technologies to their full potential.

This is an advanced course with an emphasis on the design, analysis and implementation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) projects.

The course is suitable for engineers who have recently graduated as well as those with experience. It’s an opportunity to extend your knowledge in Additive Manufacturing or update your qualifications with a view to promotion or a specialist role.

Tourism Management

Tourism is a fast-growing industry, contributing over £2.7 billion to the UK economy in 2017. This course is designed to give you the best possible start to a career in the sector, taking full advantage of our prime location in one of the world’s greatest tourist destinations.

The course is designed with your career in mind; it is accredited by the Institute of Hospitality and you’ll benefit from placements and guest lectures held with industry leaders across London.

The University of East London is conveniently located a short walk away from London City Airport and some of the capital’s most famous venues – including the Excel Centre and O2 Arena – and learning in London gives you access to some of the best hotels, restaurants and attractions in the world. 

The extended BA (Hons) Tourism with Foundation Year is perfect if you want a degree in Tourism Management but don’t have the standard entry requirements.

Tourism Management

Tourism is a fast-growing industry, contributing over £2.7 billion to the UK economy in 2017. This course is designed to give you the best possible start to a career in the sector, taking full advantage of our prime location in one of the world’s greatest tourist destinations.

The course is designed with your career in mind; it is accredited by the Institute of Hospitality and you’ll benefit from placements and guest lectures held with industry leaders across London.

The University of East London is conveniently located a short walk away from London City Airport and some of the capital’s most famous venues – including the Excel Centre and O2 Arena – and learning in London gives you access to some of the best hotels, restaurants and attractions in the world. 

The extended BA (Hons) Tourism with Foundation Year is perfect if you want a degree in Tourism Management but don’t have the standard entry requirements.

Health Sciences

Health Sciences offer an interdisciplinary approach to the study of health, illness, and disease in human communities. Health is one of the largest employment sectors in the country and is anticipated to grow at a faster than average rate. Employment options are diverse and extend far beyond serving as doctors or nurses.  Upon successful completion, students of Health Sciences programs will have gained a strong basic background in this rapidly changing field.

Students may pursue programs in either an Arts or Science stream, and earn a Diploma or an Associate Degree. After completing an Associate degree program, students may continue their studies at the University’s Faculty of Health Sciences or the University’s Health & Community Services program, transferring seamlessly into third-year studies.


  • Pre-Health Sciences. A preparatory science and math program designed to satisfy entry requirements into other medical programs, including nursing.
  • Practical Nursing. Two-year college diploma programs that teach the skills you need to become a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), with an emphasis on clinical experience.
  • Nursing Specialties. Teaching areas such as critical care nursing, operating room perioperative nursing, perinatal intensive care nursing and more, all of which build on training gathered as a Registered Nurse.
  • Bachelor or Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Four-year degree programs that prepare students for work as Registered Nurses (RNs). RNs have a greater depth of knowledge and competency in the field of nursing than RPNs and have a greater range of care delivery options.

Many other nursing programs exist, so be sure to study complete program listings before making your choice.

General Nursing Program Requirements

All entry level nursing programs will require an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, with a grade 12 English credit. Specific science and math credits may be required for different programs, and are always seen as an asset.

Nursing Jobs and Salaries

Depending on your certification, nursing careers may include (but are not limited to) fields like:

  • Acute care
  • Community services
  • Health centres
  • Long-term care institutions
  • Hospitals

Licensed nurses may also serve as practitioners, educators and managers in the health field. Nurses also have options in the travel & tourism industry, as travel nurses are often in high demand.

Salaries in the field increase with experience. Registered nurses can expect starting salaries from $45,000 to $50,000 per year, and those that have a speciality like critical care could start at $60,000 or more. Practical nurses have lower starting salaries, at around $43,000 per year.


  • Pre-Health Sciences. A preparatory science and math program designed to satisfy entry requirements into other medical programs, including nursing.
  • Practical Nursing. Two-year college diploma programs that teach the skills you need to become a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), with an emphasis on clinical experience.
  • Nursing Specialties. Teaching areas such as critical care nursing, operating room perioperative nursing, perinatal intensive care nursing and more, all of which build on training gathered as a Registered Nurse.
  • Bachelor or Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Four-year degree programs that prepare students for work as Registered Nurses (RNs). RNs have a greater depth of knowledge and competency in the field of nursing than RPNs and have a greater range of care delivery options.

Many other nursing programs exist, so be sure to study complete program listings before making your choice.

General Nursing Program Requirements

All entry level nursing programs will require an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent, with a grade 12 English credit. Specific science and math credits may be required for different programs, and are always seen as an asset.

Nursing Jobs and Salaries

Depending on your certification, nursing careers may include (but are not limited to) fields like:

  • Acute care
  • Community services
  • Health centres
  • Long-term care institutions
  • Hospitals

Licensed nurses may also serve as practitioners, educators and managers in the health field. Nurses also have options in the travel & tourism industry, as travel nurses are often in high demand.

Salaries in the field increase with experience. Registered nurses can expect starting salaries from $45,000 to $50,000 per year, and those that have a specialty like critical care, could start at $60,000 or more. Practical nurses have lower starting salaries, at around $43,000 per year.

Air Pollution Management and Control

Air pollution damages human health, ecosystems and vegetation, and is expected to worsen in many regions. Every year, air pollution costs EU economies US$ 1.6 trillion and is linked to 7 million premature deaths globally. Developing effective strategies for the management and control of air pollution is a key environmental challenge facing society today.
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the causes and effects of air pollution, and the management measures and engineering technologies available for its control. This is a recognised and sought-after qualification within the professional environmental field in the UK and abroad. Students successfully completing the course find employment as air quality experts within environmental consultancies, industry or local government departments.